FIFTY-FIFTY  warrants for 2YEAR to the original retail purchaser that the product for which they received the warranty card, is free from non-conformities in material and workmanship. Customers are required to contact directly with the dealers for making any warranty claims and warranty card (customer copy) must be produced.


1. Contact your Retailer and explain the damage reason.
2. Produce the damage part and warranty card to your Retailer.
3. Retailer ship the replacement parts to customer if under warranty item.
4. When servicing FIFTY-FIFTY  components that is out of its warrrant period, retailers will charge for parts, manpower hours and freight cost.

FIFTY-FIFTY  will continuously provide low price replacement parts to customers.


This warranty in no way replaces or is an extension of a complete bicycle manufacturer’s warranty. Retailers and wholesale outlets forFIFTY-FIFTY ’s products are not authorized to modify this warranty in any way. It is the consumer’s responsibility to regularly examine the product to determine the need for normal service or replacement. This warranty does not cover the following:
1. FIFTY-FIFTY  products that have been modified, neglected or poorly maintained, used for commercial purposes, misus-ed or abused or involved in accidents.
2. Damage occurring during shipment of the products. (such claims must be presented directly to the carrier)
3. Damage to products resulting from improper assembly and repair.
4. Damage resulting from cause other than defects in material and workmanship, including but limited to lack of technical skills, competences, or experince of user.
5. Damage or deterioration to the surface finish, aesthetics or appearance of the products.
6. Normal wear and tear to the product.

FIFTY-FIFTY ’s sole obligation under this warranty is to repair or replace the product, at FIFTY-FIFTY ’s option.